In this project, you'll build a device based on the Kypruino UNO+ (same as Robo UNO+) to assist visually impaired individuals in navigating obstacles and detecting nearby movement. The device functions as both an obstacle detection tool and a motion alarm.
Required Components:
- 1x Kypruino UNO+
- 1x IR Obstacle Avoidance Sensor
- 1x Motion Sensor (PIR)
- 6x Female to Male Dupont wires
- 1x 3D Printed Case
- 7x M3 X 6mm Bolts
- 2x M2 X 6mm Bolts
Parts Description:

The Kypruino UNO+ is an open-hardware development board inspired by the Arduino UNO R3. It is 100% compatible with the UNO R3, designed to integrate seamlessly with its ecosystem while offering additional hardware features for enhanced functionality.

An IR Obstacle Avoidance Sensor utilizes an infrared transmitter and receiver, that forms the sensor pair. The transmitter LED emits a certain frequency of infrared, which the receiver photodiode will detect when reflected from an object placed in front of the sensor. When an object is detected, it will trigger the digital on/off “signal” pin when a specific threshold “distance” has been reached. This IR Obstacle Avoidance Sensor returns a signal when it detects an object in range. The range of the sensor is around 2-30 cm with a detection angle of 35 degrees. The sensor has a potentiometer for range adjustment control. It operates at 3.5 to 5 volts at around 20 mA.

This Passive Infrared Motion Detector or PIR senses the infrared radiation emitted by all objects above absolute zero. When something passes in front of a PIR sensor it detects the change in background temperature and then triggers an output voltage. It has a sensing angle of ~100o and a range of up to 7m. The sensor features 2 potentiometers to adjust the sensitivity (and range) and the time delay before the sensor resets after detecting motion. It has an operating voltage of 4.5-12V.
3D Printed Case:

A custom 3D-printed case ensures all components are securely mounted. The case includes a handle for ease of use in obstacle detection mode, which also functions as a stand for motion detection mode. The 3D files can be found in our GitHub repository.
- Connect the PIR Motion Sensor to D10 and the IR Obstacle Sensor to the D5.
- Install the IR Obstacle Sensor: Secure it inside the case using one M3 x 6mm bolt.
- Mount the PIR Motion Sensor: Attach it to the case with two M2 x 6mm bolts.
- Attach the Kypruino UNO+: Secure it with two M3 x 6mm bolts.
- Connect the Sensors: Use six female-to-male Dupont wires to link the sensors to the Kypruino UNO+.
- Attach the Bottom Handle: Fix it in place using two M3 x 6mm bolts.
- Adjust the PIR Sensor: Set sensitivity to maximum and time delay to the lowest using a screwdriver.
- Secure the Top Cover: Fasten it with two M3 x 6mm bolts.
Before installing the top cover, use a screwdriver to adjust the PIR Motion sensor. It is recommended that you set the sensitivity to the highest setting and time delay to the lowest.
CodeUploading and Testing:
1. Obtain the Code
- Download the code from our GitHub repository.
2. Upload to Kypruino UNO+
- Open the Arduino IDE and load the sketch.
- Connect the Kypruino to your computer via a USB-C cable.
- Select Arduino UNO as the board type and choose the correct port.
- Click Upload to transfer the code.
3. Test the Device
- By default, the device operates in Obstacle Detection Mode.
- Place an object in front of the IR sensor—a sound should be heard.
- Adjust the detection range via the sensor’s potentiometer.
Tip: The Kypruino UNO+ has a buzzer switch next to the USB-C port. Ensure it is turned ON if no sound is heard.
4. Switch to Motion Detection Mode
- Press the ‘A’ button on the Kypruino.
- A confirmation tone will play, indicating mode change.
- Place the device on a table and walk around—the buzzer will sound when motion is detected.
- Adjust the PIR sensor's delay using its potentiometer.
This project was designed in collaboration with Girls in Steam Academy .